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Rise Up & Build

Writer's picture: Getting To Know Your BibleGetting To Know Your Bible

In 445 B.C. the Jews returned after 70 years captivity. City was in ruins. Wall broken down. Nehemiah was the one to lead the people in the reconstruction of the walls.

Nehemiah was a great leader. Harry Truman said, “A leader is a man who can get you to do what you don’t want to do and make you like doing it.” Teddy Roosevelt was told he was a great leader and a great man. He said: “No, I am simply an ordinary man, highly motivated.” Nehemiah was one of the most significant leaders of all time. He teaches us how to be great leaders.

NEHEMIAH WAS A LEADER FROM THE HEART OUT (Nehemiah 1:4). When he saw the wall’s condition, it broke his heart. All great women and men of God have had hearts that could be broken (Jeremiah 9:1; Matthew 9:36; Acts 20:28-31). There are few tears shed today when there is so much for which one can weep.

NEHEMIAH WAS A LEADER FROM THE KNEES UP (Nehemiah 1:4). We will not accomplish much without prayer. Most failures are prayer failures. Consider James 4:2 and the necessity of a courageous prayer life.

NEHEMIAH SURVEYED THE SITUATION AND PLANNED A STRATEGY (Nehemiah 2:15). We need a plan in place to confront our changing world. Our world needs: Hope, Community, Love and Compassion. For Christians to do what Jesus did (Luke 4:16-19).

NEHEMIAH WAS A LEADER WHO REFUSED TO LET OPPOSITION STOP HIM (Nehemiah 2:19). He was mocked and ridiculed. Some refused to help him (Nehemiah 3:5). They were accused of being weak (Nehemiah 4:2). There was a conspiracy spread about him and their efforts (Nehemiah 4:7-8). He was offered a compromise (Nehemiah 6:2-3). He was misrepresented (Nehemiah 6:6-8).

NEHEMIAH ORGANIZED THE PEOPLE TO WORK (Nehemiah 4:21-23). He used everyone and assigned them work to do. We need to utilize the talents of all. We are called to work! Everyone needs to work (John 9:4, I Corinthians 15:58, Philippians 2:12, II Timothy 2:15, James 1:25). A working church is:

•A happy church.

•A friendly church.

•A trouble free church.

•A zealous church.

•A growing church.

NEHEMIAH KNEW HOW TO MOTIVATE MEN TO WORK (Nehemiah 2:17). He showed them the need. He had a plan of action. He knew how to bring out the best in others. This is why they were successful.

NEHEMIAH KNEW HIS PRIORITIES (Nehemiah 2:20, 6:3). He refused to get bogged down in trivia. Someone once said: Two things hard to do: To think and to do things in the order of their importance. Nehemiah was successful because he put his trust in God.

Let's learn from Nehemiah! May the Lord bless you and keep you!


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